May 31st , from 20 h – June 1 st, from 18 h
Come and join us  31 May and June 1 st Kulturfactory, Via Raffaele Ferrante 4, Domicella

Reservations , camping , infos : kultursciok@gmail.com

Happening Under Vesuvio, an immersive event hosted at the Kulturfactory. This multidimensional experience integrates live technological effects, music, and artistry, crafting an atmosphere that pulsates with energy. Through a convergence of mediums, Happening Under Vesuvio serves as a platform for artists to engage with pressing contemporary themes, symbolically linked to Vesuvio’s historical impact.

This year’s themes, encapsulated by “#INSIDERS #OUTSIDERS #EXPLOSION #IMPLOSION #PERFORMANCE #ANTIPERFORMANCE,#BORDERS offer a rich tapestry for artistic exploration. Each iteration of the event centers around thematic hashtags, guiding participating artists in their explorations. Our ultimate goal is to spark dialogue and contemplation surrounding pressing issues such as the state of our planet, humanity’s relationship with nature, technological advancements, and the evolving landscape of artistic expression.

The event will take place @kulturfactory and will reshape the performing art world by breaking boundaries and opening discussions about art, theater, music, actions concerning climate change, new generations, gender and identity.

Within our motto BURNING ART TROUGH ART we aim to discover new interdisciplinary creations as well as to explore different links between dance, music, theater,sound installations, films and architectural ideas.

Kulturfactory Nouveau Grand Tour

Kulturfactory est très honorée de faire partie du Nouveau Grand Tour un programme pluridisciplinaire ouvert à France Allemagne et Pays Bas qui s’adresse aux artistes de moins de 30 ans , de tous les champs de la création : arts visuels (peinture, sculpture, photographie, audiovisuel, etc.), arts de la scène (théâtre, danse, cirque, performance, musique et création sonore), ainsi que les ICC (mode, design, architecture et paysage, gastronomie, métiers d’art).

Kulturfactory is proud to be part of the french institut Nouveau Grand Tour, a multidisciplinary program directed to French, German, Netherlands , artists less than thirty years old , proposing all fields of creation: visual arts (painting, sculpture, photography, audiovisual, etc.), performing arts (theater, dance, circus, performance, music and sound creation), as well as the ICC (fashion, design, architecture and landscape, gastronomy, arts and crafts).


Since 4 years we host and produce concerts, happenings and performances once every month.
#CONCERTCLANDESTIN is a hybrid project, halfway between an artistic proposal and a place where the mix of cultures and generations is tangible.


This project is organized in collaboration with Kulturfactory Music, our new music label created in 2022.


Kulturfactory and the vesuvian area are the best location for incredible film projects and creative video experiences!

We support and produce films and video works.


HAPPENING UNDER VESUVIO/BURNING ART FESTIVAL is a project to be developed in the next three years.

The event will take place inside/outside and will reshape the performing art world by breaking boundaries and opening discussions about art, theater, music, actions concerning climate change, new generations, gender and identity.

Within our motto BURNING ART TROUGH ART we aim to discover new interdisciplinary creations as well as to explore different links between dance, music, theater,sound installations, films and architectural ideas.


Kulturscio’k has structured a professional education activity as a real factory of training and permanent production:

Kulturlabs International – Masterclasses or private sessions of coaching in different European cities organized with the best American and European coaches.

Kulturlabs In-Factory – Workshops or private sessions of coaching organized by the members of the group.

Kulturlabs In-Progress – dedicated to new forms .

Kulturlabs for social exchange – In the last three years, Kulturscio’k has managed a high professional formula of workshops held in prison and for refugees.
We collaborated with Vallette Prison in Turin, Croix rouge MC93 in Paris.

Kultur/kids – We held a lot of different workshops and shows  for kids focused on multidisciplinary mises en espace from outstanding books, ex. Harry Potter.